Photo of Martha Llano Colombia

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Martha Elena has directed since 1992, his project feel, which has given travs diffusion on Colombian ecosystems and species in danger of extinction. In seven collections has given the community the chance to know a little more about the Ocano, mangroves and marshes, humid jungle, the savannah, wetlands, dry forest, Forest Sub Andino, the Cloud Forest and Paramo de Colombia. His graphic and photographic perspective allowed...

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Photo of Martha Llano Colombia

Martha Elena has directed since 1992, his project feel, which has given travs diffusion on Colombian ecosystems and species in danger of extinction. In seven collections has given the community the chance to know a little more about the Ocano, mangroves and marshes, humid jungle, the savannah, wetlands, dry forest, Forest Sub Andino, the Cloud Forest and Paramo de Colombia. His graphic and photographic perspective allowed him to create brand recognition in the market for quality scientists from artwork and educational material. In 1999 consolidla FEEL Ecological Foundation as an NGO committed to the conservation of life in all its forms, promoting the sustainable development of ecotourism travs, through education, the conservation ny the investigation. Some of this non profit making projects were consolidated as PIJIBA, a Station of Ecotourism and Conser in the Colombian Pacific, in where permaneciviviendo for 6 years, and where in addition to developing sustainable tourism activities to strengthen local communities, contribuycon Photo Identification number of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaengliae as input to the Humpback Foundation in Colombia and Allied Whale College of the Atlantic in Maine in the chapter of the Antarctic. OAKWOOD, a Natural Reserve, in the village of Santa Elena Pleasure, hosted within the Network of Civil Society Reserves, where he currently resides and from where they carry out activities of conservation, ecotourism, research and Education n. Studies in Photography, Gloucestershire School of Arts and Technology GLOSCAT-Cheltenham, England, from 1987 to 1988. Graphic designer Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medelln, Colombia, 1991. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Instituto Colombiano de Cultura COLCULTURA early 1996 gives a scholarship in the area of ??other expressions, creation the creative individual was becoming known as massively Colombian biomes strangers and by the end of the same year the Foundation will entregel Mariano Ospina Prez second prize Colombia Natural Ecosystems. In the year 2000 PIJIBA recibiel Award for Excellence in Ecotourism awarded by the American Foundation Conservation International and British Airways in 2001 gave the mention of honor in the category of Acomodacin in Tourism for Tomorrow awards. Speaker of the Regional Conference on Ecotourism held in Lima, Peren 2002 and where he was selected along with a indgena Peruvian Andes as representatives for the World Ecotourism Summit held in the same year in Qu bec, Canada. In 2005 the Secretariat of Culture of the Municipality of Medelln you otorgel prize in the area of ??plastic arts for ephemeral creators to his side project to the same axle mobile which proposed a documentary photography work for the districts and the city of Medelln, wherein the means of transport for the job, besides the support of exhibition of the exhibition in the city and its districts. Designer of the book Living Planet Foundation Telling Secrets on ecosystems and endangered species Colombian. EXHIBITIONS Ethnic, Ethnic Exposition collective international world. Comfama. 11 selected works. September 2004. Fauna and Flora, Collective Exposition in the framework of the seminar ART AND SURVIVAL. COLOMBO AMERICANO. Medelln, March 31 to April 28, 2005. Faces of Earth, individual Exhibition COLOMBO AMERICANO. Medelln March 31 to June 3, 2005. The Nios de mi Tierra, Colombia Contest on Earth Nios my World. Medelln Chamber of Commerce. November 2004. People at Risk, Individual Exhibition. University Museum, University of Antioquia. Medelln June 28 to July 23 2005 Parallel to the same axle mobile, Collective Exhibition Winners Announcement V Civic Culture. Museo de Antioquia, Medelln, March 23 to April 23, 2006. PHOTO PORTFOLIO While he has worked in the field of sustainable development projects for Fundaciny other foundations with whom we have agreements, she has photographed many parts of Colombia with particular interest by Fauna, Flora, People, people and holidays. Thanks to his adventurous spirit has participated as a photographer of adventure in national and international races, CROSSING THE MAX ADVENTURE BOSI COLOMBIA: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Amazonas 2001 2002 2004 Cartagena Cundiboyacense Altiplano 2005 The ECOROUTE 24 hour race (10 races between 2002 and 2003, and 2004 EMA Expeditao Brazil 2002 Mata Atlantic New England Adventure Final Race Bethel, Maine 2003 Subaru Primal Quest, Lake Tahoe in September 2003 seven hills Today estrealizando photographic work documentary traffic in high-risk communities and displaced Ethnic groups at risk. The Journal first publication Worldpulse comenzsu some of your photos accompanied texts of the Colombian conflict. Also is a contributor to the Journal for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, USA and the Road Medelln. MAGAZINES PUBLICATIONS Worldpulsemagazine Premiere Issue, Pages 13, 31, 54, 55, July 2004 Diners Pages 60, 62, 112 June 2004 September 2004 Rollingstone edition editions Sheet Monthly

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